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Malawi  May 2024  

The Mission Committee were given a donation of £1000 for Malawi.  £500 was sent to Malawi (K993,085.87) to purchase maize. They were able to pay for transport and to buy 64 pails of maize and they still have K27,000 left.  

Each family received 2 pails of maize.






Malawi 2023

Rev. Godfrey Gas Phiri was in touch to report on the progress they have made.

32,000 bricks were moulded for the building of a multipurpose house by the congregation. Maize was gathered as a congregation where every church member was asked to contribute according to his/her ability.  They then sold the maize and the money was used to buy iron sheets for the roof.  Due to the cyclone frequency and drought that hit Malawi this year there is a shortage of food in the country.

From the funds which Park Church sent in September, 20 bags of cement were bought for the building work and 23 bags of maize to feed the Nursery school.

Rev Godfrey Gas' wife also had a baby boy.

Malawi September / October 2022

In SEPTEMBER Rev. Godfrey Gas Phiri was in touch to report on the progress of their projects. They have been working on the kitchen project although progress has been slow.  They would now like to plaster the rooms and put in window frames.   They also started the Youth Centre project in May but building has stopped due to lack of cement.  

The Kirk Session agreed to send £200 to Malawi for buiding materials to allow them to progress both projects.

In October our Mission Committee organised a concert by "Chords of Hope".    It was very well attended by both Park Church members as well as people from our sister  churches in Saltcoats.   
A very enjoyable evening, it raised £458 for the Malawi Fund.  This will be passed on as needed.

Malawi September 2021

In September 2021 as part of our Harvest celebration, Park Church took part in the National Giving Day promoted by the Church of Scotland.  Envelopes for a special collection were offered to the congregation and £1,330 was raised, half of which was sent to Malawi.


"The Rev. Godfrey Gas-Phiri and the congregation of Kazomba Church would like to thank Park Church for their continued support".


They have two projects on the go at the moment - a new kitchen building for the church and a youth centre.  They made all the bricks themselves for the construction of the kitchen and are currently making cement bricks for the floor.  In order to lay down the foundation for the youth centre they require a lot of cement and the money we sent will enable them to buy the cement required and help with the building materials.

Malawi March 2021

James has now taken up his new charge at Chilumba duty station.  He would like to thank Park Church for the support he received while serving Kazomba congregation.


This is a picture of the Rev. Godfrey Gas Phiri and his wife Lydia Banda.  Rev Phiri is the new minister of Kazomba Church.


Godfrey (29) and Lydia (26) have a 3 year old daughter - Princess Gas.  He graduated from Zomba Theological college with distinction.  His wife is a journalist by profession but is presently doing a teaching course at Embangweni teacher training college.  They both enjoy reading, listening to music and watching and playing football.  Their home village is Mwambazi in Khata Bay, a few metres from Lake Malawi.


They are looking forward to the continuing friendship with Park Church.


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Malawi January 2021

email from James

"I just want to let you know that the Synod is moving me out of Kazomba to Chilumba congregation in Karonga.  I am yet to know the minister who will replace me.  Soon after it gets to my notice I will let you know.  May Go continue blessing you. Will keep in touch."

Malawi October 2020


Today we were taking off iron sheets from this building so that we use them to roof our kitchen which is being built currently. We cannot manage to buy new iron sheets due to financial constraints

Members of women's guild moving iron sheets from the old church building.


Malawi August 2020

Malawi update from James.

They have started building the foundation for the kitchen. Picture 2 shows the builder Mr Wysard Mkandawire. Picture 3 shows the manse and Kazomba station church in the background.


Malawi June 2020

“We are doing well, how are you over there together with members of Park Church. 


Truly we've been affected somehow by corona virus hence many programmes have been put on hold by our synod. This year we won't have guilds annual conferences and evangelism rallies as usual. 

Last week we had Milala presbytery AGM of less than 100 people for only two days while previously we are used to conduct this meeting for 4 days with over 200 people. 


The number of corona virus cases is rising in Malawi currently, it might possibly lead to some strict measures by the government. 


The kitchen project is in progress but still on bricks moulding phase. Hopefully this month or early July we will start building. This money will really help us to buy iron sheets, timber and pay the builder.


We too are praying for you brothers and sisters.”









We sent £700 from Park congregation to help with their kitchen building project.  So far they have employed two men to make the bricks for the project.

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Malawi June 2018

Park Church  has entered into  a twinning arrangement with Kazomba Church in Milala Presbytery in Malawi. This was one of the Churches  our minister visited last year.  Twinning is about getting to know each other better, understanding the work and challenges that each congregation faces and supporting one another in prayer and practice. 


The photographs above show Tanya, our previous minister, and Rev. James Bright Mphande (Parish Minister)as they sign the twinning agreement in Park Church on 10th June 2018. 


There are several organizations associated with Kazomba church, much like our own church, which include Women’s Guild, Men’s Guild, Sunday School and Christian Youth Fellowship. 


Currently Kazomba congregation is comprised of 6 prayer houses namely Mziza, Kabuku, Elunyeni, Mnjiri, Kavikula and Kazomba. Very soon they will open an additional prayer house.  Kazomba congregation has  510 communicants on its rolls.


Park Church has a "Malawi Fund" which is used to support Kazomba church.  Money is sent to Malawi when there is a specific need such as a new school roof, mosquito nets, or  shelters. 

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