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On 1st July 2024 the 3 churches of North Parish Saltcoats, St. Cuthbert's Saltcoats and Ardrossan Park came together to form a union.

 The name of the new church is Ardrossan Parish Church, and the manse to be used will be the current manse of the former St Cuthbert’s.  

 While we remain in a vacancy situation, Rev. Alan Ward, will be  Interim Moderator and Rev. Marion Howie will  be with us as Locum.


The main Office bearers  are:

Session Clerk - Moira Crocker

Assistant Session Clerk - Helen McLuckie

Treasurer - Frances Reid, but Sharron Smart will be taking over in January

Fabric Coordinator - Bill Scott

Safeguarding Coordinator - Morcella Taylor

 The new church also has the responsibility to look after and insure the  manses and church buildings until such times as they are sold. 


There will be a meeting with the committee of Presbytery which deals with vacancies and thereafter we can proceed to appoint a nomination (vacancy) committee  so that we can at last begin the search for a new permanent minister for Ardrossan Parish Church.



Church services

The first service of Ardrossan Parish church was held on Sunday 7th July 2024.

Our church services are  normally held at 11am each Sunday.

Our next sacrament of Communion will be held on the first Sunday of December.

Tea and coffee are served in the main hall after worship each Sunday and all are welcome.




Our envelope appeal and Harvest Lunch was held on Sunday 6th October.

The charities which benefitted were Mary's meals and our Malawi twinned partner. 



Girls' Brigade / Boys' Brigade   

Sadly after a great number of years both the Girls' Brigade and Boy's Brigade have ceased to function in our building.




Groups and organisations are welcome to use our halls.

(See regular events page for details).   You will also be made most welcome if you would like to join any of them. 




If you wish to  give a donation to Park church it can be done through the  "donate" button on the homepage of this website.   Click on the link and follow the instructions on the Church of Scotland page.   All contributions are gratefully received.  




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