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In 2020 the two committees - Finance and Stewardship - combined to work as one committee.


Finance is an important part of  church life and the  Committee  meets regularly to discuss the financial state of the church.   

We have always met our financial commitments to our local church and contributions to the wider church.

The lockdowns were  difficult  financially for the church due to closure but we still managed to   pay all bills and financial commitments as well as carrying forward a balance. At present we have no outstanding loans or other commitments.


Park church also makes regular donations to a variety of charities every year through special collections.


Stewardship  is also an important part of our Christian life and we are called to use all we have been given for the good of our local church and community and the wider church and community . In the very early days of the church the apostles set up a system whereby the Christians gave of their money and talents to care for the weaker members of the new church.


We have adopted the new programme of Stewardship called "A Narrative of generosity".   This approach moves away from the view of time, talents and money alone and focuses on all of the gifts which God has given us.  It asks us to nurture, care for, and steward all we have been given.  There are several topics or 'stories' on which we can focus  including:

* our volunteering spirit - recognising and supporting those who freely give their gifts in acts of service.

*our young people - caring for and upholding them

*our possessions,  - recognising when things become obsolete and making space for the new

*our relationships - responding in love to one another

*our minds - celebrating our creativity and developing our learning

*our bodies - nourishing our bodies for health and wellbeing

*our gifts - using and sharing our gifts wisely

*our money - contribute to God's kingdom and use wisely

*our vision - develop God's mission across everything

*our God - nurture our relationship with God as we steward all He has given us.

*Our earth - the way we look at the world and how to care for it


We will be focussing on one aspect at a time and developing it.


The remit of the Committee includes:-


• Overseeing the Church’s finances;  i.e.  looking at our income and expenditure, preparing budgets and financial forecasts etc., and submitting these to the Kirk Session.


•  Reclaiming tax from Gift Aid

• Looking at ways to fund special projects either from within the Church or from outside sources;


• Setting rents for the use of church halls

• Revising Contracts and Salaries for employment;

• Playing a lead role in the on-going development of stewardship within the congregation.  


The Finance Committee works closely with the Fabric Committee in terms of expenditure and financing projects and with any other groups requiring funding for projects.


The  Convener is Liz Rhodes

The Treasurer is Frances Reid

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