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The task of the Property/Fabric Committee is to do its best to live up to its name and keep the roof over our heads.


During the last few years, a new car park has been built at the side of the church this project being carried out at the same time as ongoing maintenance to the church and halls.  The vestibule has been repainted and new, modern furnishing bought.  The Montgomerie hall has also been repainted.  Both areas have had a clear out of old furniture.

There are now serious moves to completely refurbish the sanctuary of the church when we are given permission to do so by Presbytery.   Plans include upgrading the  windows, heating, lighting, flooring, as well as installing more flexible seating and audio visual technology – all to enable  the church’s future mission and which will allow enhanced worship.   This work will not be cheap and can only been done as funds become available, so if you would like to donate to our Capital Projects Fund for this refurbishment we would be most grateful.


The Fabric committee works continuously to maintain and improve the church and manse buildings and the Fabric Convener has a list of small maintenance jobs which require volunteers.


The main aspects of the committee’s work include:


• Developing a  programme of maintenance and renewal of the Church fabric with timeline of actions and budget estimates;

• Frequent liaison with the Finance Group over budgeting and timing of works;

• Liaison with Presbytery (and Edinburgh where necessary) for appropriate planning and spending permissions 

• Updating the property register.


Fabric Co-ordinator – David McNeil

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